April 18, 2006

Made of Shadows and Light

Shadows and light
Originally uploaded by OldOnliner.
I considered converting this to B&W and decided to leave it in color. Converting would have lost the "vanilla" hues (which was the reason I even thought of sharing this) and muted the shadow from the tree trunk.

I used a gradient fill along the far shore line at top to slightly subdue the crown of the tree and bring out the ripples in the river. Other than that and a very slight adjustment in brightness, I didn't do much to it.

I was riding along the bike path, looked to my right, saw these two sitting there, and pressed the shutter... I didn't even see the LCD or viewfinder since the camera was in my right hand, and the palm of that hand was resting on the padded end of the right handle bar.

Surrendipity. (Or, as I tell people buying new digital cameras, "Don't be afraid to take lots of photos!" You never know what you'll find when you get home.")

I simply love this shot. The vanillas are soothing, glad you kept them. Thanks for sharing.
Incredible composition, for “drive by” shooting!

Beautifully done. Thanks for sharing!

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