July 31, 2010

Cruel Cuts

Cruel Cuts, originally uploaded by OldOnliner.

Someone trimmed the awesome tree in Riverside Park. The beautifully shaped odd one, that everyone paints and photographs, along the bank, next to the tennis courts.

Trimmed and Butchered

Cut Off


This is outrageous! How was this allowed to happen? Who thought this was a good idea? Couldn't someone have a put sign on it saying, "DO NOT TRIM"?

Also posted on Facebook. As seen before - reference photos:

Parks, Plein Air Painting and Public Art!

Do you think it's been 30 seconds yet?

Let's go climb a tree ...


By Beloit City Councilor, Heidi Johns:

"The Tree"

A watercolor painting by Sherry Thurner:

Riverside Willow by sethurner on Flickr

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