December 05, 2005

What I want for Christmas or Canon PowerShot A620 Review

Yuppers... Another thing I like about these cameras is quality and features, coupled with size and portability. Who wants to lug 10 pounds of equipment when 8 ounces will do the job just fine?

Canon PowerShot A620 Review: 14. Conclusion: Digital Photography Review:

Overall conclusion:

The PowerShot A95 was one of the most successful 5MP compacts due
to its compelling combination of features, image quality and value for money. But it was not a camera without problems - mainly performance and speed issues, most of which we - and all the people who bought it - put down to the inevitable compromise involved in getting so many features at such a keen price. The PowerShot A620, though externally pretty similar, is a very different kettle of fish. Not only does it boast a much better sensor, but the use of the latest DIGIC II processor means it's a lot, lot faster in operation too. There is very little here to suggest a 'budget' model at all; image quality is excellent, it's very well built, it handles well and it has a real wealth of photographic features that make it suitable for everyone from the absolute beginner to the more experienced photographer wanting lots of control over the picture taking process. And like the A95 it's a great first camera for anyone wanting to learn the craft of photography, being both affordable and well-specified enough to grow with you as your knowledge and experience increases.

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