November 26, 2005
Brothers - 25 years ago in Denver
What a vacation that was... In August of 1980 my brother Todd and I went to Denver to visit my brother Kirk and his wife, Lynn. [Left to right in photo.]
We'd had dinner at a restaurant in Denver with western theme rooms - like silver mines, old west saloon, pueblos, etc.
As we were leaving, I handed my camera (Rollei mini-35) to the waitress and asked if she would try and take our picture on the small stage. She took this ONE photo. In the days of film, it'd be two weeks before I found out what a great snapshot she got! I hope we gave her a good tip as she certainly deserved it!
Great vacation... got to see a mountain - climb one, too - for the first time.
We'd had dinner at a restaurant in Denver with western theme rooms - like silver mines, old west saloon, pueblos, etc.
As we were leaving, I handed my camera (Rollei mini-35) to the waitress and asked if she would try and take our picture on the small stage. She took this ONE photo. In the days of film, it'd be two weeks before I found out what a great snapshot she got! I hope we gave her a good tip as she certainly deserved it!
Great vacation... got to see a mountain - climb one, too - for the first time.