October 16, 2005

Eaton Chapel Vertical Panorama

Eaton Chapel
Originally uploaded by OldOnliner.
Taken late in the day, just after the lights came on and just after sunset, this was my first attempt at a vertically photostitched panorama.

I laid on the ground, put the camera on a mini-tripod, tilted the head 90 degrees, oriented and checked the ball socket, set shutter at a 2 second delay, and started shooting at the top with auto-exposure. I carefully pivoted the camera, overlapped, refocused, and ended up with 4 frames. (I could have done the exposure manually, but the light was failing and there was no time for it.)

To control seam locations, and prevent the seams from falling on key areas of the photograph, you manually indicate overlap by picking two or more overlap areas/spots, and then let the photostitch software put it all together.

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