July 16, 2005

One question! (A comment I posted on another person's blog...)

Yahoo! 360? - My Blog - Spyware Informer - Dell and Spyware: Don't Say It's So!:

You're thinking of Backweb? It's not [in HP PCs] anymore... hasn't been in a long time, unless it's named something else now. But there is ad serving software pre-installed on HP and Compaq machines. It's listed in Add/Remove programs.

Since I sell this stuff, I'd like these companies to answer me one question:
'When did it become OK to annoy your customers?'

My guess is it coincided with the blossoming of the internet and web when the old PC/online habit of referring to customers as 'users' gained currency (pun intended!) with Wall Street and mainstream media. It's easy to annoy 'customers' when you hand them a label equivalent to drug addicts.

Stick *that* observation in your pipe and smoke it!

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