April 26, 2005

"Same as it ever was..."

PCWorld.com at Yahoo - First Look: Symantec's So-So Spyware Protection: "Like previous versions of Norton Internet Security, 2005 is meant to be an all-inclusive security package for Windows 2000 and XP computers that includes necessities such as a firewall and antivirus protection in addition to its brand-new spyware detection app. As a result it's a big program, and a big download. The 33MB download installs approximately 314MB of files, 11 services, 3 startup items, 2 toolbars, and 2 BHOs (Browser Helper Objects), all of which results in 8 additional processes running in memory on the PC, which made my test system noticeably less responsive."

Sigh... Symantec? Norton? If you're willing to go through the hassle of removing all Symantec product from your system, try Panda or CA's eTrust EZ Antivirus. Anything but Symantec!

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