March 30, 2005

Posted some new and updated photos here yesterday:

Spring 2005 Scenes and Panoramas

Be sure to check out the monstrous panorama of Maple Avenue reconstruction. Just gotta love modern photostitching software.

WARNING! A new window will open to a page containing a large photo when you click here!

Some day I'll get a camera monopod that I can easily carry and these will get even better. (Sure... and someday I'll get a better camera, too? Ha!)

The new PC sure makes all this stuff way easier and much faster. Too bad more people can't optimize their PCs and remove the useless WindowsXP embellishments (too numerous to mention). TIP: Make sure you're using ClearType with an LCD monitor [Control Panel - Display - Appearance - Effects].

More later - the day is too nice to waste!

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