December 25, 2008

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year

Hospital Love Lights, originally uploaded by OldOnliner.

It's over? For us retailers? Not quite yet...

Historically, the days after Christmas are almost as busy as the days before Christmas. I think this year, with the weather, the economy, and consumer attitudes, they'll be busier than ever, and much busier than before Christmas.

So... Enjoy your day off, America, for tomorrow we once again begin the patriotic journey to reboot our stalled economy and renew the hopes of our body politic. Could there be a more noble cause?

December 15, 2008

Christmas Email

It's all downhill from here..., originally uploaded by OldOnliner.

This is an email exchange between Suzie (my wife) and her sister from last week. Reposted here by kind permission of the parties involved.

From: Suzanne
Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2008
Subject: Christmas

> Hi Barb and Connie
> Are you guys still alive? Haven't talked to you for awhile. Not
> much going on here. Can you believe this snow? And the cold. One good
> thing about the cold---no barking dogs.
> Do you have all your Christmas shopping done, how about your christmas
> cards and your holiday baking? Your tree, is it up yet? Did you
> remember to use tinsel and popcorn strings. How about the grift
> wrapping? This holiday drives me nuts. I get asked these questions
> at least twice a day. The looks on their faces when I tell them I'm Jewish.
> Hope all is well
> Love you,
> Suz

From: gypsyhill@merr
To: Suzanne
Sent: Friday, December 5, 2008 7:28:26 AM
Subject: Re: Christmas

You better not cry keep perfectly still.
You better not shout even if you're trampled and killed.
Open the door, get out of our way,
we been waiting in line since yesterday.
Got trees in the living room that have to be trimmed.
What did you say? Murder's a sin?
The sirens are ringing or is that a bell?
Someone saying something about someone who fell.
They want us out of the store but we won't leave,
it's Christmas time; we have a right to believe.


Isn't it amazing what will come from a keyboard in the morning while you finish your coffee and get ready for work?

In the photo: Suzie (center) goofing off (as in rolling down the hill like an 8-year old) on Galena's levee on her 50th birthday with sisters Barb (upper left) and Nancy (far upper right), and her mother, Bette, (next to Nancy) looks on in amazement.

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