September 17, 2005


Grasshoppers hang together
Originally uploaded by OldOnliner.
Love the photo. And here's another one where I can't decide which crop I like. This is original, but in the Flickr comments, I added alternate crops.

The Landing

As shot?


Or as seen in real life?

Looking Around and Up

I can't decide.

September 11, 2005

The Future?

Curmudgeon: cur mudg eon (ker muj' en), n. "an irascible, churlish person."

WordNet Search: curmudgeon (n) "a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas."

The Smirk

The Smirk
Originally uploaded by OldOnliner.
Yes, folks, this is the original source photo for the "avatar" you see associated with this blog and my other online personas.

I took this at Suzie's parents' house in Galena, Illinois. It was a sad time as we were there that week for Dick's funeral. I just noticed the date and recall that it was my son's 16th birthday.

It was created by an artist in New Orleans where Betty bought it on a whim. Betty calls him, "The Smirk" and it used to hang on the side of their 'barn' or on this tree in the yard. Betty's since moved and "The Smirk" no longer resides outside, but has instead moved to an inside hallway.

September 05, 2005

The Best Man...

The Best Man...
Originally uploaded by OldOnliner.
I happened upon this wedding party as they were having photos taken in the park across the street from the First Congregational Church in Beloit. I decided it might be fun to take pictures of them having their pictures taken.

When I got home and looked at the results of the day's photo efforts, this is what I found... Am I mistaken or is that the best man goosing the groom?

September 03, 2005

New Orleans Disaster Blog

Thanks to Alex Eckelberry at Sunbelt Blog for the link to...

The Interdictor:

Saturday, September 3rd, 2005 7:01 pm
City Security

"The city is starting to feel more secure now. Much larger military and Homeland Security presence and many fewer civilians left. Of course with this added security comes additional dangers like hyper-suspicious, armed authorities. If you watch the cam or walk the streets, you see that almost every civilian is approached, evaluated for threat potential, then either patted down or left alone..."

And then there's this map of the city with comment tags: .

The Yahoo City of Beloit Club Welcome Page

BDN Article - How to Help Hurricane Victims


Welcome to our Yahoo City of Beloit Club! Let's talk about the issues, news, events, history, plans, politics, and other topics related to Beloit and the Stateline Area.

Visit our new Greater Beloit & Stateline Area Flickr Group!
Click to visit Greater Beloit Area Flickr Photo Group

The City of Beloit lies along the banks of the Rock River on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois. Beloit is blessed with tree-lined streets, green lawns, a rich history, and a gorgeous river. Like other small cities, Beloit also faces many challenges; some are typical of a small town and others are unique to Beloit. Anthropologist Margaret Mead described Beloit as, "America in microcosm." An accurate economy of words.

Click below to visit the City of Beloit Portal Page.
City of Beloit Portal Page and information in NEW WINDOW

Click here to visit the Yahoo City of Beloit Club and see this presented in its original context.

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